Why you need to let your dough rise?

Why you need to let your dough rise ?
When you let your pizza dough rise, a process called fermentation happens.
Fermentation is a process where yeast eats the carbohydrates in the flour and converts them to alcohol and CO2. This may sound complicated, but all you really need to know is that yeast turns sugars into gas and flavor.
When you have proper gluten development, the gasses will be trapped inside the dough, and it will inflate. Almost like a balloon. That’s why the dough increases in size.
You can add more yeast to speed up the process, but for an even, better rise, you don’t want to rush the fermentation by adding more yeast because that will give you a less flavorful dough.
Another benefit of a fully fermented dough is that it’s more digestible. Because the yeast breaks down carbohydrates in the dough, making it easier to digest for your stomach.